By Copy and paste on an iPad can save valuable time when doing heavy typing. This is also especially true if you are taking advantage of the iPad's ability to edit Word. Excel and PowerPoint documents using iWork.
Step 1. On the iPad.
Step 2. Go to any screen that has text on it.
Step 3. Now, touch and hold your finger on the iPad screen on the text you wish to highlight.
Step 4. Remove your finger from the screen and a few buttons will pop up that sya "Cut", "Copy", "Paste". You will also see that a word of text has been highlighted.
Step 5. Drag the highlight over whatever text you wish copy on your iPad. Once selected, press either "Cut", "Copy" depending on what you want to do.
Step 6. To paste on iPad you need to navigate to whatever text entry box you wish to paste into. Again this can be email, text or essentially any other input space.
Step 1. On the iPad.
Step 2. Go to any screen that has text on it.
Step 3. Now, touch and hold your finger on the iPad screen on the text you wish to highlight.
Step 4. Remove your finger from the screen and a few buttons will pop up that sya "Cut", "Copy", "Paste". You will also see that a word of text has been highlighted.
Step 5. Drag the highlight over whatever text you wish copy on your iPad. Once selected, press either "Cut", "Copy" depending on what you want to do.
Step 6. To paste on iPad you need to navigate to whatever text entry box you wish to paste into. Again this can be email, text or essentially any other input space.